I was in the local corner shop this morning and I read a headline on the front of a newspaper about the sniper who was jailed for possessing an unlicenced firearm, that he had bought back from war. The headline read "freed, thanks to the support of the Great British public".
This got me thinking about my campaign and my desire to raise awareness of the condition I was not diagnosed with until after Harry's birth, and about the importance of including screening for this condition for pregnant women.
I need the support of the Great British public!
Now I know I have been Miss Media these past few weeks with my appearance on Sky News last week, my Daily Mail article and the fab piece in the Huffington Post but I need MORE! I need more mothers to know about the risk factors for vasa previa, and to have the knowledge to ask to be screened, to prevent the chance of other babies being taken too soon, like little Harry. I am on the case with the Screening Committee and have a good rapport going with those who are leading the review, which is currently under way.
I am looking for AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE to read this letter below and to sign the e-petition to show their support for the inclusion of the screening in antenatal care for expectant mothers:
Dear all parents, would-be parents and anyone with an ounce of compassion;
If you have children of your own, think back to the time that you first held your baby. That magic moment, where you are consumed with love, adoration and amazement.
Imagine if that moment was completely different and you were faced with talks of severe brain damage and organ failure, and the likely possibility that your beautiful newborn baby was likely not going to survive.
Remember the joy of coming home with your gorgeous baby all bundled up in the wonderful going-home outfit, with plans for registering your babies birth, lots of visitors and coo-ing. Imagine, if instead you were returning home, empty handed, devastated, having to register a birth and a death, and then having to plan a baby's funeral.
All the hopes and dreams for your child, shattered and cruely ended so quickly, before you even have a chance to fully realise what is going on.
But - imagine if there was something you could do to prevent babies -like Harry - from suffering such utter devastation, and all that something was, was to have an additional 2 minutes at your ultrasound scan at 20 weeks. Is it not far more important to know that your baby is safe for delivery than to discover what sex your baby is?
And, what if you, personally, could do something to ensure that pregnant women are scanned for this condition, which is more common than Downs Syndrome? (Downs screening is currently offered to EVERY pregnant woman and is far more invasive than the check for vasa previa)
All you have to do, is SHOW YOUR SUPPORT and sign this e-petition.
Show those who are currently deciding whether this is something that should be screened for that you are in favour of this. It takes two minutes to complete.
Now, think of that precious moment of meeting your baby, and imagine all those little vasa previa babies that could be diagnosed with your support today - and go on to live full, happy and healthy life. All it takes is two minutes to diagnose a future.
Thank you
Niki Cunningham
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